
How to make a hotel room feel like home

Nov 01 2023

Because we’ve all been so focused on home the last couple of years, hotel rooms can feel a bit anonymous, and ‘un-cosy’. So we wanted to share with you some ideas (you may not have put into practice before) to help you make your hotel room feel more homely. Getting to travel, and feel right at home? It’s the best of both worlds.


How to make a hotel room feel like home

Over the past year, we’ve got back into travelling further afield again, which the Hyoumankind team has definitely missed. But because we’ve all been so focused on home the last couple of years, hotel rooms can feel a bit anonymous, and ‘un-cosy’. So we wanted to share with you some ideas (you may not have put into practice before) to help you make your hotel room feel more homely. Getting to travel, and feel right at home? It’s the best of both worlds.

Here are a few things you can do to make it feel more like home:
Transform your hotel bathroom into a day spa

Whether for business or leisure, we often try to pack a lot into a trip. Create a spa-like sanctuary in your hotel bathroom by packing sample sized pampering goodies like masks, scrubs and body butters. Then block out a little time for a DIY spa session – a good soak in the bath, a slather of lotion, deep conditioning your hair and wrapping up in a fluffy hotel robe.

Create a hotel room ‘gym’

While jetlag, late nights and a lack of space make it challenging to maintain a fitness routine while travelling, doing something is always better than doing nothing. Fiton is a great source of guided workouts, as is YouTube: search ‘equipment free workout’. Resistance bands are easy to pack and let you do many low impact exercises without needing much space.

Further afield: if your hotel has a gym, try to schedule in workouts, just like you would at home. Or take the opportunity to explore your local destination on foot or bike – ask your concierge or social media community for recommendations.

Love these five yoga asanas? Some ideas for using pillows in your practice.

Make space for mental health

Focus on self-care by making your hotel room feel like a safe and nurturing space. As much as possible, maintain a bedtime ritual – like Hyoumankind founder Steph does, even when she’s travelling for business. For you, this might include practicing mindfulness or meditation. Download a Spotify playlist of guided meditations, or use an app like Smiling Mind or Headspace for specific sleep mediations.

Bougie up your bed

Because most of the time spent in a hotel room is spent in bed, bringing a versatile travel pillow that works for night-time (and a luxurious silk pillowcase) is a small touch of home that makes a big difference. Packing a big, soft scarf (cashmere is the ultimate travel luxury, but soft wool, cotton and silk blends are also highly recommended) means you also have a throw to cosy up with on the sofa. If your hotel room doesn’t come with bathrobes, it’s also nice to wrap up in while still in your pyjamas. And using a travel size aromatherapy mist or candle can instantly evoke instant comfort.

Picking the right hotel room: 3 tips from a travel industry insider.

We asked Adair Cameron, frequent flyer and owner of Red Hot Travel & Events how she finds the best hotel room. “There are three main things I do when travelling for business and on tour with customers. The first – don't be shy about this – I request to see the room before I check in and unpack. Just to make sure it's going to fit exactly what I’m after.”

“The second thing, this is my personal preference – I love a twin bedroom. One bed for sleeping and one for my gear, which can include the paperwork and name tags we need on tour. As for my suitcases, I'll pop down a towel (post-flight suitcases are disgusting) and unzip all the way so everything’s visible and accessible. When I’m ready to go just zip it up whip off the towel and the bed’s clean for the housekeeper.”

“My third hot tip is to request no housekeeping. It’s saving a housekeeper a job and reducing the environmental impact. And let's be honest, no one needs their sheets changed every day. I lay out all my gear quite strategically because you need to be able to grab and go – which is hard if your gear is not where you left it. Of course, if you’d like any specific room request, that's one of the joys of booking with a travel agent – we sort it out for you!”